CDG>montparnasse>St Pierre des Corps>Saumur>walk>musée
>taxi>Saumur>Angers Saint Laud>Paris>Hotel
CDG muD Duj waw' Daq 03:50 vIpaw. 'eq po. 'ach jIvIH, Saumur vISuchmeH.
MontparnasseDaq vIpawmeH RER B lupwI' mIr vIlIgh. metro vIchoH.
vIran vISuchpa', TGV 'echletHom vIje'ta', vIlo'DI'.
'echlet jo' vIlo'DI', 'echlet vIlaj.
RERvo' metroVaD He vIchoHDI', jIQagh. jImoD. MontparnasseDaq vIpaw.
Saumur vIpaw. 'ach 8:30 Saumur station tlhop parkinglotDaq ra'wI' lupwI' tu'lu'be'. veng botDaq jIyIt. micro-sim card vIje'laHbe', 'eqmo' po 'ej SoQ Suy pa'mey. WiFi vIlo'meH, café vI'el. café pIn'a' be' vItlhob. chay' museum vISIch. ngugh museum pong vISovbe'. Blindés 'oH. yap tank musée 'e' vIQub. WiFi vIlo'DI', google map capture vIvang. jIyIt.
cha'maH tup jIyIt. vISIch. leng buqwIj Qan 'e' laj musée. vItlho'.
scale ghantoHmey law' je'lu'bogh ghaj musée Suy pa'.
jIcheghDI', ra'wI' lupwI' vIlo'. musée vItlhobDI', jIHvaD ra'wI' lupwI' tlhob musée. vItlho'. poH Daj vItIvlaHpu'!
To get there, it's just easy way.
You have to buy train tickets to Saumur or drive a rent-a-car.
It's little bit far from Paris, so I took trains.
I arrived at Roissy airport early in the morning, because of a cheaper ticket. So I planed to visit Saumur by day trip. It was easy to buy SNCF ticket on the Net. It was also easy to get train tickets, though I didn't know how to accept a reserved ticket from a ticket vender machine. I did just touch a panel and inserted my credit card.
When I moved to Montparnasse station from CDG, I lost the route once, but I can arrive at the station before my train departured.
Once arriving at the station, What I do is I sit on a proper train.
I arrived at Saumur at 8:38. It was very early to visit museum. There were no convenient train because of off season.
I thought I should walk if I had many time. But when I arrived there, no taxi parked the lot in front of the Suamur station. orz.
I walked to a city center. It took about fifteen minutes.
I expected a city map in the city center showed me how to get the museum.
No tourism city map was there. I knew only a map which I saw on google map in Japan. I couldn't reach there.
My smart phone had SNF sim, but it was expired 6 months ago. It was no use. Neither Orange nor SNF were closed. In addition, It was Mondey, they opened afternoon.
So I entered a café with WiFi sevice. I took a breakfast and asked a master how to get the museum.
She showed me it was near enought to walk. Then I memoized google maps on my smartphone.
I could arrive at the museum of Blindés according to her. It took about 2km and 20 minutes. I advise who want to go there to print out map or capture on smartphon.
You can get a taxi much later time or ask the station.
My lagguage deposited the museum. I was looking around tanks and taking pictures with Oarai emblem.
What I want to do here was that. I should make team emblems and come there with them.
I enjoyed the museum to watch the real tanks, especially german tanks at WWII.
In my childhood, my hobby was making 1/35 scaled Tamiya military models. I liked to make german tank seriese.
At that time, I loved King Tiger II. Now, Girls und Panzer moved me to travel there.
Some of there old tanks are able to drive. I'd like to visit an event moving restored tanks
There were many Tamiya's tank models in the museum shop.
Some of them were very difficult to be bought in Japan because of an anime.
If you'd like to buy them and live in Japan, you should go there to buy them and check the real tanks to make up details.
I asked the museum to call me a taxi, after I watched all arounds. Thak you the museum!
I bought an orange micro-sim card in Angers, during wating connected TGV to Paris.
It was useful for me to get the hotel for the first day in my journey. A map app is great for a stranger!
I enjoyed this visit to the museum! Thanks a lot!
ソミュールの musée des Blindés (ブランデ戦車博物館)へどう行ったか。
パスポート: 持ってないと行けない。
クレジットカード: あると便利。
パリ-ソミュールの電車のチケットを購入。WEBでポチる。paris saumur train とかでググって出てきた所で調べて購入。SNCFのサイトだったか忘れた。
行きは Tours で乗りかえのTGV, 帰りは Angers で乗りかえの TGV で移動。Saumurへはローカル線。
朝8:40頃 Saumur 着。タクシーあるかと思ったら早朝のためか駅前に一台もいない。帰りは駅前にタクシー沢山いたのでないわけではない。
10:10頃博物館着。3時間ぐらい見学して帰る。帰りはタクシー。博物館の人に呼んでもらった。Merci beaucouq.
Angers で50分の接続待ちがあったので駅のInfomationでOrange shopの場所を聞いてそこで買った。結局おじさんもググっていた。